2014年度 第2回中央大学物理学科教室談話会

講演者:Ivan Dornic 氏(CEA Saclay, France)

題 目: Brownian motion in time-dependent potentials and Painlev'e transcendents: a few examples of stochastic integrability [pdf.file]

日 時:2014年6月30日(月)16:20〜17:50

場 所:中央大学後楽園キャンパス3号館3階3308号教室

 (〒112-8551 文京区春日1-13-27;東京メトロ丸の内線,

  南北線「後楽園駅」または都営地下鉄大江戸線, 三田線「春日駅」


概 要: We show how the determination of the distribution of a certain imaginary exponential of Brownian motion --- a stylized model of phase-noise --- can be recast in terms of the first-passage properties of a particle diffusing in an explicitely time-dependent potential. We uncover that the latter involves the particular Sine-Gordon Painlev'e III transcendent. This representation parallels a characterization of the celebrated Tracy-Widom distribution, and vindicates a recently proposed general scheme linking non-stationary Schr"odinger (or Fokker-Planck) equations to Painlev'e equations. Another salient example of this correspondence is provided by the critical scaling correlations of the two-dimensional Ising model, which are associated to the Sinh-Gordon Painlev'e III.

問い合わせ先:中大・理工・物理 香取眞理

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