Workshop ‘Fluctuation and Correlation in Stochastic Systems’ October 15, 2014

数理物理の分野で活躍の G. Schehr 氏(Paris-Sud, CNRS)の来日







Workshop `Fluctuation and Correlation in Stochastic Systems'

October 15, 2014

Room 3300, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Building No.3 (3rd floor),

Chuo University (Korakuen Campus)

Organizers: Makoto KATORI (Chuo), Hiroyuki SUZUKI (Chuo),

Kazumasa A. TAKEUCHI (Tokyo), Tomohiro SASAMOTO (Tokyo Inst. Tech.)


PROGRAM (version 1: 22/Sept/2014)

9:50-9:55 Makoto KATORI (Chuo Univ.) Opening address

10:00-10:30 Takashi IMAMURA (Chiba Univ.)

Combinatorial identities in the KPZ replica analysis

10:40-11:10 Saburo KAKEI (Rikkyo Univ.)

Hirota bilinear method and Hermite ensemble

11:20-11:50 Shinsuke M. NISHIGAKI (Shimane Univ.)

Individual eigenvalue distributions for chGSE-chGUE crossover and

low-energy constants in SU(2) $\times$ U(1) gauge theory

12:00-12:30 Shinsuke M. NISHIGAKI (Shimane Univ.)

Critical statistics at the mobility edge of QCD Dirac spectra

12:40-14:00 lunch

14:00-14:30 Gregory SCHEHR (Paris-Sud, CNRS)

The number of distinct and common sites visited by N random walkers

14:40-15:10 Gregory SCHEHR (Paris-Sud, CNRS)

The maximal height of N non-intersecting Brownian motions till their survival

15:20-15:40 coffee break

15:40-16:10 Jun-ichi WAKITA (Chuo Univ.)

Collective behavior of bacterial cells in interfacial environment

16:20-16:50 Kazumasa A. TAKEUCHI (Univ. of Tokyo)

Weak ergodicity breaking in KPZ-class interfaces

17:00-17:30 Tomohiro SASAMOTO (Tokyo Inst. Tech.)

Spectral theory for a q-boson zero range process and its generalization

18:00- Banquet at Room 3507 (5th floor of the same building)

Contact to: Makoto Katori


Tel: 03-3817-1776

Fax: 03-3817-1792

Office: Room 1538, 5th floor, Building No.1,

Faculty of Science and Engineering,

Korakuen Campus, Chuo University,

1-13-27 Kasuga, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8551


Takashi IMAMURA (Chiba Univ.)

Combinatorial identities in the KPZ replica analysis

Recently much progress has been made on studies of height

fluctuation properties in the one-dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang(KPZ)

equation and related integrable discrete models.

In particular, the replica method of the KPZ equation is

a powerful approach to get exact height distribution functions.

In this method combinatorial identities play a crucial role:

by them sum of messy terms is miraculously factorized.

In this talk we discuss some of these identities and their

role in the analyses of the KPZ equation and related models.

Saburo KAKEI (Rikkyo Univ.)

Hirota bilinear method and Hermite ensemble

It was shown that a Fredholm determinant associated with

the Hermite ensemble is related to a particular solution of

the fourth Painleve equation (Tracy-Widom, 1994).

In this talk, we reconsider this problem from the viewpoint of

Hirota's bilinear method in soliton theory.

Shinsuke M. NISHIGAKI (Shimane Univ.)

Individual eigenvalue distributions for chGSE-chGUE crossover

and low-energy constants in SU(2) $\times$U(1) gauge theory

We evaluate individual distributions of four smallest eigenvalues from

chiral random matrix ensembles interpolating chGSE and chGUE by

the quadrature method applied to the Fredholm Pfaffian of dynamical

Bessel kernel containing a crossover parameter. These distributions

are then fitted with the staggered Dirac spectra of the quenched SU(2)

lattice gauge theory in the presence of fluctuating or constant U(1) fields.

Combination of the four best-fitting crossover parameters from matching

each random matrix theory prediction to the corresponding histogram of

the k-th Dirac eigenvalue allows for an efficient and precise determination

of low-energy constants F and Sigma in the chiral Lagrangian of

Nambu-Goldstone bosons on the coset space SU(2n)/Sp(2n) from

relatively small lattices.

Shinsuke M. NISHIGAKI (Shimane Univ.)

Critical statistics at the mobility edge of QCD Dirac spectra

We examine statistical fluctuation of eigenvalues from the near-edge bulk

of QCD Dirac spectra above the critical temperature. We start by reviewing

on the scale-invariant intermediate spectral statistics at the mobility edge of

Anderson tight-binding Hamiltonians. By fitting the level spacing distributions,

Stieltjes-Wigert random matrix ensembles are shown to provide an excellent

effective description for such a critical statistics. Next we carry over the above

strategy for the Anderson Hamiltonians to the Dirac spectra. For the staggered

Dirac operators of QCD with 2+1 flavors of dynamical quarks at the physical

point and of SU(2) quenched gauge theory, we identify the precise location of

the mobility edge as the scale-invariant fixed point of the level spacing distribution.

The eigenvalues around the mobility edge are shown to obey critical statistics

described by the aforementioned deformed random matrix ensembles of unitary

and symplectic classes.

Gregory SCHEHR (Paris-Sud, CNRS)

The number of distinct and common sites visited by N random walkers

I will present an analytical study of the number of distinct sites $S_N(t)$

and common sites $W_N(t)$ visited by $N$ independent one dimensional

random walkers, all starting at the origin, after $t$ time steps. One can show

that these two random variables can be mapped onto extreme value quantities

associated to $N$ independent random walkers. Using this mapping, one computes

exactly their probability distributions $P_N^d(S,t)$ and $P_N^c(W,t)$ for any value

of $N$ in the limit of large time $t$, where the random walkers can be described

by Brownian motions. In the large $N$ limit, $P_N^d(S,t)$ and $P_N^c(W,t)$

are described by non trivial scaling functions which are computed exactly.

Gregory SCHEHR (Paris-Sud, CNRS)

The maximal height of N non-intersecting Brownian motions till their survival

I will consider $N$ Brownian particles moving on a line starting from initial positions

$u \equiv {u_1,u_2,\dots u_N}$ such that $0<u_1 < u_2 < \cdots < u_N$.

Their motion gets stopped at time $t_s$ when either two of them collide or when

the particle closest to the origin hits the origin for the first time. For $N=2$,

I will present an exact computation of the probability distribution function

$p_1(m|u)$ and $p_2(m|u)$ of the maximal distance travelled by the 1st and 2nd

walker till $t_s$. For general $N$ particles with identical diffusion constants $D$,

one can show that the probability distribution $p_N(m|u)$ of the global maximum $m_N$,

has a power law tail $p_i(m|u) \sim {N^2B_N\mathcal{F}_{N}(u)}/{m^{\nu_N}}$

with exponent $\nu_N =N^2+1$. I will present explicit expressions of the function

$\mathcal{F}_{N}(u)$ and of the $N$ dependent amplitude $B_N$ which can be

analyzed for large $N$ using techniques borrowed from random matrix theory.

Jun-ichi WAKITA (Chuo Univ.)

Collective behavior of bacterial cells in interfacial environment

Collective behavior of biological organisms is generally considered to be complex,

since individual organisms are supposed to behave in complex ways. However, that of

unicellular organisms such as bacterial cells may be not so complex under some

conditions.Bacterial colony formation on agar plate surface is an example, since the

colonies expand their territories simply by the motility and the multiplication of

individual cells. Althoughsome characteristic types of colony patterns have been

found about bacterial speciesBacillus subtilis, Proteus mirabilis, Serratia marcescens

and Escherichia coli by changingagar and nutrient concentrations, it is expected that

they can be understood from a physicalview point through the variances of cell motility

and cell multiplication. While collective behavior of bacterial cells in a two-dimensional

circular pool which is not so large compared with the size of bacterial cells is another

example. We have investigated the collective behavior of Bacillus subtilis by varying cell

size and cell density. Then the behavior has been found to be classified into six distinct

types: rotational motion with randomness,rotational laminar flow (single layer), rotational

laminar flow (two layers), turbulent flow,intermittent motion and random motion.

Furthermore, not the cell sizes but the ratios ofan averaged cell size to a pool size

have been found to be essential for the collective behavior of bacterial cells.

Kazumasa A. TAKEUCHI (Univ. of Tokyo)

Weak ergodicity breaking in KPZ-class interfaces

The last fifteen years have witnessed remarkable progress on the (1+1)-dimensional

KPZ class: some universal fluctuation properties of growing interfaces, especially their

height distribution and spatial correlation, were derived rigorously and confirmed

experimentally.Yet the same level of understanding is not reached on their time

correlation, mainly because of the absence of exact expressions. Here I show,

on the basis of experiments on turbulent liquidcrystal, that time correlation is

similarly intriguing, showing qualitatively different behavior between flat and circular

interfaces. I will argue that the notion called weak ergodicity breaking may be a key

concept to resolve this difference, and present an ongoing attempt in this direction.

This is joint work with Takuma Akimoto in Keio University.

Tomohiro SASAMOTO (Tokyo Inst. Tech.)

Spectral theory for a q-boson zero range process and its generalization

The q-boson totally asymmetric zero range process (q-TAZRP) is a discretization

of the KPZ equation. We develop a spectral theory for this process and explain

how one can obtain the current distribution. We also discuss a few generalization.