中央大 統計力学・確率論セミナー
中央大 統計力学・確率論セミナー
講演者:Piotr Graczyk 氏(LAREMA, Universite d'Angers, France)
題 目:Generalized Squared Bessel Matrix Processes and Particle Systems
-- Their Applications in Harmonic Analysis
日 時:2016年4月8日(金) 16:00〜17:30
場 所:中央大学後楽園キャンパス 理工3号館5階3507室
(〒112-8551 文京区春日1-13-27;東京メトロ丸の内線,
南北線の「後楽園駅」または都営地下鉄大江戸線, 三田線の
概 要:
In the first part of the talk I will explain our recent general results on the existence
of strong solutions of systems of particle systems.
Next, I will explain how these results are used to give a stochastic proof of
the Mayerhofer conjecture on the Wallach-Gindikin set $W$.
We exploit the fact that $(x_0,\beta) \in W$ if and only if $x_0$ is the starting point
and $2\beta$ is the drift of a Wishart process $X_t$ on the cone $\overline{Sym^+({\bf R},p)}$.
Our methods are based on the study of SDEs for the symmetric polynomials of $X_t$
and for the eigenvalues of $X_t$, i.e. the squared Bessel (BESQ) particle systems.
These results are based on the joint work with J. Malecki (Polytechnic Wroclaw).
問い合わせ先:中大・理工・物理 香取 眞理
TEL: (03) 3817-1776
E-mail: katori(at)phys.chuo-u.ac.jp
居室 理工1号館5階 1538室