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[ 1985年〜1990年 ] [ 1991年〜1995年 ] [ 1996年〜2000年 ] [ 2001年〜2005年 ]

[ 2006年〜2010年 ] [ 2011年〜2015年 ] [ 2016年〜2020年 ] [ 2021年〜 ]


Norio Konno and Makoto Katori
Extension of the Arrowsmith-Essam formula to the Domany-Kinsel model,
J. Stat. Phys. 101 (2000) 747-774.
Makoto Katori
Percolation transitions and wetting transitions in stochastic models,
Brazilian Journal of Physics 30 (2000) 83-96.
Makoto Katori, Norio Konno, and Hideki Tanemura
Survival probabilities for discrete-time models in one-dimension,
J. Stat. Phys. 99 (2000) 603-612.
Tomoko Tsuchiya and Makoto Katori
Proof of breaking of self-organized criticality in a nonconservative Abelian sandpile model,
Phys. Rev. E 61 (2000) 1183-1188. [pdf.file]


M. Katori, T. Tsuchiya, N. Inui, and H. Kakuno
Baxter-Guttmann-Jensen conjecture for power series in directed percolation problem,
Ann. Combinatorics 3 (1999) 337-356.
Shinya Kizaki and Makoto Katori
Analysis of canopy-gap structures of forests by Ising-Gibbs states -- Equilibrium and scaling property of real forests --,
J. Phys. Soc. Japan 68 (1999) 2553-2560.
Shinya Kizaki and Makoto Katori
A stochastic lattice model for locust outbreak,
Physica A 266 (1999) 339-342.
Tomoko Tsuchiya and Makoto Katori
Effect of anisotropy on the self-organized critical states of Abelian sandpile models,
Physica A 266 (1999) 358-361.
Tomoko Tsuchiya and Makoto Katori
Exact results for the directed Abelian sandpile models,
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 32 (1999) 1629-1641.


Tomoko Tsuchiya and Makoto Katori
Chiral Potts models, friendly walkers and directed percolation problem,
J. Phys. Soc. Japan 67 (1998) 1655-1666.
Makoto Katori, Shinya Kizaki, Youichi Terui, and Takuya Kubo,
Forest dynamics with canopy gap expansion and stochastic Ising model,
Fractals 6 (1998) 81-86.


Hirotsugu Kobayashi and Makoto Katori
n-State exclusive diffusion models for avalanche processes showing self-organized criticality,
J. Phys. Soc. Japan 66 (1997) 2367-2382.
Norio Inui, Makoto Katori, Genichi Komatsu and Koichi Kameoka
The number of directed compact site animals and extrapolation formula of directed percolation probability,
J. Phys. Soc. Japan 66 (1997) 1306-1309.
Makoto Katori and Norio Inui
Ballot number representation of the percolation probability series for the directed square lattice,
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 30 (1997) 2975-2994.
H. Aruga Katori, K. Katsumata, and M. Katori
Anomalous heat capacity of antiferromagnet FeBr_2 in a magnetic field,
J. Appl. Phys. 81 (1997) 4396-4398.
M. Katori, N. Inui, G. Komatsu, and K. Kameoka,
Hypergeometric series in a series expansion of the directed-bond percolation probability on the square lattice,
J. Stat. Phys. 86 (1997) 37-55.


Makoto Katori, Hirotsugu Kobayashi, Norio Inui, Genichi Komatsu, and Koichi Kameoka,
Series expansion for directed percolation and exclusive diffusion model,
J. Inst. Sci. and Enginnering, Chuo University, 2 (1996) 15-25.
Makoto Katori, Tomoko Tsuchiya, Nobuya Satoh, Shin-ichi Osanai, and Shinya Kizaki,
The contour method revisted -- Bounds for ciritlca value of directed percolation --
Bull. Facul. Sci. and Eng., Chuo University, 39 (1996) 1-13.
H. Aruga Katori, K. Katsumata, and M. Katori
Specific-heat anomaly in the Ising antiferromagnet FeBr_2 in external magnetic fields,
Phys. Rev. B 54 (1996) R9620-R9623.
Makoto Katori
Cluster variational approach to non-equilibrium lattice models,
in Theory and Applications of the Cluster Variation and Path Probability Methods, edited by J. L. Moran-Lopez and J. M. Sanchez, pp. 95-111, Plenum Press, New York, 1996.
Makoto Katori
Time-reversal duality and planar lattice duality in non-equilibrium lattice models,
Fractals 4 (1996) 285-292.
Hirotsugu Konayashi and Makoto Katori
Exlcusive diffusion model showing self-organized criticality,
J. Phys. Soc. Japan 65 (1996) 2536-2542.
Norio Inui and Makoto Katori
Catalan numbers in a series expansion of the directed percolation probability on a square lattice,
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 29 (1996) 4347-4364.
Makoto Katori and Hirotsugu Kobayashi
Mean-field theory of avalanches in self-organized ciritical states,
Physica A 229 (1996) 461-477.