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[ 1985年〜1990年 ] [ 1991年〜1995年 ] [ 1996年〜2000年 ] [ 2001年〜2005年 ]

[ 2006年〜2010年 ] [ 2011年〜2015年 ] [ 2016年〜2020年 ] [ 2021年〜 ]


Fumihito Sato, Makoto Katori,
Iterative Schwarz-Christoffel Transformations Driven by Random Walks and Fractal Curves (cond-mat/1004.0183):
Journal of the Institute of Science and Engineering. Chuo University 16 (2010) 1-20
Naoki Kobayashi, Kaoru Kohyama, Kouichi Shiozawa,
Fragmentation of a viscoelastic food by human mastication (cond-mat/1002.0404)
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 79 (2010) 044801/1-4.
Fumihito Sato, Makoto Katori,
Dirac equation with ultraviolet cutoff and quantum walk (quant-ph/0910.4811)
Phys. Rev. A 81 (2010) 012314/1-10.
Makoto Katori and Hideki Tanemura,
Non-equilibrium dynamics of Dyson’s model with an infinite number of particles (math.PR/0812.4108)
Commun. Math. Phys. 293 (2010) 469-497.


Makoto Katori and Hideki Tanemura,
Zeros of Airy function and relaxation process (math.PR/0906.3666)
J. Stat. Phys. 136 (2009) 1177-1204


Naoki Kobayashi, Minami Izumi and Makoto Katori,
Maximum distributions of bridges of noncolliding Brownian paths (cond-mat/0808.3635)
Phys. Rev. E 78 (2008) 051102/1-15
Kyohei Watabe, Naoki Kobayashi, Makoto Katori and Norio Konno,
Limit distributions of two-dimensional quantum walks(quant-ph/0802.2749)
Phys. Rev. A 77 (2008) 062331/1-9 [pdf.file]
Mitsunori Sato, Naoki Kobayashi, Makoto Katori and Norio Konno,
Large qudit limit of one-dimensional quantum walks (quant-ph/0802.1997)
Makoto Katori, Minami Izumi and Naoki Kobayashi,
Two Bessel Bridges Conditioned Never to Collide, Double Dirichlet Series, and Jacobi Theta Function (math.PR/0711.1710)
J. Stat. Phys. 131 (2008) 1067-1083


Makoto Katori and Hideki Tanemura,
Noncolliding Brownian motion and determinantal processes (math.PR/0705.2460)
J. Stat. Phys. 129 (2007) 1233-1277 [pdf.file]
Takahiro Miyazaki, Makoto Katori and Norio Konno,
Wigner formula of rotation matrices and quantum walks (quant-ph/0611022)
Phys. Rev. A 76 (2007) 012332/1-14 [pdf.file]
Makoto Katori and Hideki Tanemura
Infinite systems of non-colliding generalized meanders and Riemann-Liouville differintegrals (math.PR/0506187)
Probability Theory and Related Fields 138 (2007) 113-156 [pdf.file]