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Non-Commutative Probability Theory, Random Matrix Theory and their Applications (NPRM2023), Nov. 8-10, 2023, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM) , Tokyo, Japan [program] [title and abstract]
Ryosuke Sato, On the interaction between determinantal point processes and operator algebras (talk, Nov. 9, 2023)
Saori Morimoto, Eigenvalue processes generated by the cyclic permutation matrix and by the shift matrix with perturbation (talk, Nov. 8, 2023)
Yuya Tanaka, Numerical study of eigenvector-overlaps and the regularized FK determinants of the non-Hermitian matrix-valued stochastic processes (talk, Nov. 8, 2023)
Ayana Ezoe, Switching particle systems for foraging ants showing phase transitions in path selections (talk, Nov. 8, 2023)
中央大学理工白門祭展示11月5日(日)中央大学理工学部3号館5階3507室(または1号館5階1526室) [picture1] [picture2] [picture3]
Random Operators and Related Topics, October 13-15, 2023, Aoba Science Hall, Tohoku University [time table] [program] [abstracts]
Makoto Katori, Non-Hermitian matrix-valued processes and the regularized Fuglede-Kadison determinant random-fields (talk, October 13, 2023)
2023年度(第33回)日本数理生物学会大会,9月4日—6日、奈良女子大学 [プログラム]
アリの採餌行動スイッチング模型における経路選択相転移現象(9月4日口頭発表) [予稿]
アリの採餌行動模型における経路の消滅および生成(9月4日口頭発表) [予稿]
アリの採餌行動模型における経路の消滅および生成(9月3日口頭発表) [予稿]
Mini-Symposium with Prof. G. Schehr at Chuo University,18 and 21 August 2023, Room 3507, 5th floor, Building No3, Korakuen Campus, Department of Physics, Chuo University [program]
[Part 1: Friday 18 August 2023]
13:30--14:30 Gregory SCHEHR (Sorbonne, France)
When trapped fermions meet random matrix theory
4:45--15:45 Ryosuke SATO (Chuo, JSPS Research Fellowship)
Determinantal point processes and operator algebras
16:00--16:20 Yuya TANAKA (Chuo)
Rings-to-Disk Transitions in Complex Eigenvalue Processes}
16:20--16:40 ,Ayana EZOE (Chuo)
Switching particle systems for foraging ants
showing phase transitions in path selections
16:40--17:00 Saori MORIMOTO (Chuo)
Classifications and Generalizations of
Traffic Flow Models in Statistical Mechanics
[Part 2: Monday 21 August 2023]
13:30--14:30 Gregory SCHEHR (Sorbonne, France)
Universal counting statistics in the Ginibre ensembles (complex, symplectic and real)
14:45--15:45 Tomoyuki SHIRAI (Kyushu, Japan)
Zeros of random power series with dependent Gaussian coefficients
16:00--17:00 Ryosuke SATO (Chuo, JSPS Research Fellowship)
Dynamics on determinantal point processed from the viewpoint of operator algebra
2023年度 中大物理 香取研究室 オープンキャンパス発表会, 7月31日,中央大学後楽園キャンパス1号館5階1526号教室 [プログラム]
田中雄也, ランダム行列のダイナミクス
森本早織, 交通流モデルの分類と解析
江添綾七, 砂漠の藪の分布は超一様性を持っているか?
江添綾七・森本早織, アリの採餌行動モデルにおける輸送経路について
OIST Workshop `New Trends of Conformal Theory from Probability to Gravity’,July 31-August 4, 2023, OIST, Okinawa, Japan [program]
Makoto Katori, Stochastic log-gases, multiple SLEs, and Gaussian free fields (talk, July 31, 2023)
Summer School and Conference `Processes and Heat Kernel with Symmetries’,June 26-30, 2023, Centre Henti Lebesgue, Centre de Mathematiques, Angers, France
Makoto Katori, Elliptic Extensions of Noncolliding Brownian Bridges (poster)
International Workshop `Random Matrices and Applications’, June 5-9, 2023, RIMS Kyoto University [program, abstract]
Makoto Katori, Eigenvalues, eigenvector-overlaps, and regularized Fuglede--Kadison determinant of the non-Hermitian matrix-valued Brownian motion (talk)
Ryosuke Sato, Determinantal point processes and gauge-invariant CAR algebras (talk)
Yuya Tanaka, Saori Morimoto, Ayana Ezoe, and Makoto Katori, PDE of the potential field for eigenvalues and eigenvector-overlaps of the non-Hermitian matrix-valued BM (Poster)[photo]
International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Physics (ICMMP23), April 24-28, 2023, Ryad Mogador Kasbah Hotel, Marrakesh, Morocco
Makoto Katori, Elliptic extensions in statistical and stochastic systems (plenary talk: April 25, 2023)
Katori-Group Seminar with Prof. Piotr Graczyk, 16 March 2023, Room 3507, 5th floor, Building No.3, Korakuen Campus, Department of Physics, Chuo University [program]
Yuya TANAKA, Rings-to-Disk Transitions in Complex Eigenvalue Processes
Ayana EZOE, Switching Interacting Particle Systems Modeling Foraging Path Selection by Ants
Saori MORIMOTO, Classifications and Generalizations of Traffic Flow Models in Statistical Mechanics
Katori-Group Seminar with Prof. Helmut R. Brand, 3 March 2023, Room 3309, 3rd floor, Building No.3,Korakuen Campus, Department of Physics, Chuo University [program]
Yuya TANAKA, Rings-to-Disk Transitions in Complex Eigenvalue Processes
Ayana EZOE, Switching Interacting Particle Systems Modeling Foraging Path Selection by Ants
Saori MORIMOTO, Classifications and Generalizations of Traffic Flow Models in Statistical Mechanics
2022年度 中大物理 香取研究室 卒研発表会, 2月7日,中央大学後楽園キャンパス3号館5階3507号教室 [プログラム]
田中雄也, ランダム行列の点過程とダイナミクス
用松大希, 行列式点過程の生成とパーシステントホモロジー
森本早織, 交通流モデルのシミュレーションと解析
江添綾七, アリの switching による採餌経路選択
植田楓基, 言語の盛衰
宇田川愛斗, 3次元 Vicsek model の実装と相転移
茂木綸郁, 2次元 Vicsek model の相転移について
高山広海, 都市とフラクタル次元
研究集会「無限粒子系、確率場の諸問題 XVII」, 1月21日、22日,奈良女子大理学部数学教室
Workshop on Probabilistic Methods in Statistical Mechanics of Random Media and Random Fields 2023,(Japan-Netherlands Research Cooperative Program between JSPS and NOW),Jan. 9-13, 2023, Kyushu University, Nisijin Plaza
Makoto Katori, Two-dimensional processes associated with the non-Hermitian matrix-valued Brownian motions(talk: Jan. 10, 2023)