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Stochastic Analysis on Prticle Systems(粒子系の確率解析), 2019年12月21日、慶應義塾大学日吉キャンパス第4校舎独立館D202教室
香取眞理、Gausian free fields coupled with stochastic log-gases via multiple SLEs
Rigorous Statistical Mechanics and Related Topics, Nov. 18 - 21, 2019, RIMS, Kyoto University, Japan [program]
Shinji Koshida, Multiple backward Schramm-Loewner evolution and coupling with Gaussian free field (Nov. 20, 2019)
The 18th Symposium `Stochastic Analysis on Large Scale Interacting Systems’, Nov. 5-8, 2019, Department of Mathematics, Osaka University, Japan [program]
Makoto Katori, Zeros of the i.i.d. Gaussian Laurent series in the annulus (Nov.6, 2019)
中央大学大学院物理学専攻修士論文2019年度中間発表会 11月5日
矢萩 脩「Fokker-Planck 方程式と非整数微積分作用素」
中央大学理工白門祭パネル展示11月3日 [写真]
Aalto Stochastics and Statistics Seminar, 21 Oct. 2019, Aalto University,
Shinji Koshida, Coupling of multiple Schramm-Loewner evolution and Gaussian free field
School and workshop on random matrix theory and point processes, Sep. 23-27, 2019, International centre for theoretical physics, Trieste
Shinji Koshida, Free field approach to the Macdonald process (Sep. 25, 2019)
Japanese-German Open Conference on Stochastic Analysis 2019, Sept.2-6, 2019, Fukuoka University, Japan [program]
Makoto Katori, Partial isometries, duality, and determinantal point processes (Sept.3, 2019)
確率論ヤングサマーセミナー 2019、2019年8月26日—30日、遠刈田温泉 さんさ亭
遠藤大樹、Three-Parametric Marcenko-Pastur Density(8月27日)
Interactions between commutative and non-commutative probability, JSPS Program of France-Japan Bilateral Joint Seminars [program], August 19-23, 2019, 127 Conference Room, Building No.3, Faculty of Science (North Campus), Kyoto University
Makoto Katori, Determinantal point processes in two-dimensional and higher-dimensional spaces (Aug.20,2019)
Mini-Workshop `Free Probability and Related Topics’ at Chuo University, Department of Physics, Chuo University, August 13, 14, 2019,
Shinji Koshida, Coupling of Gaussian free field with multiple Schramm-Loewner evolution (Aug.14, 2019)
The 12th Mathematical Society of Japan, Seasonal Institute (MSJ-SI) `Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Integrable Probability’ [program], July 31-August 9, 2019, Kyushu University, Fukuoka
Makoto Katori, Gaussian Free Fields with Boundary Points, Multiple SLEs, and Log-Gases (August 1, 2019)
Shinji Koshida, Free Field Approach to the Macdonald Process (Poster)
Taiki Endo, Three-Parametric Marcenko-Pastur Density (Poster)[photo1][photo2]
27th IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics [program] [poster session 1], July 8-12, 2019, Universidad Catolica de Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Sergio Andraus, Dunkl jump processes: relaxation and a phase transition (poster presentation July 8, 2019)
越田真史「From conformal welding to Dyson model via multiple Schramm-Loewner evolution」
Elliptic Integrable Systems, Special Functions and Quantum Field Theory [program], June 16-20, 2019, NORDITA (Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics), Stockholm, Sweden,
Makoto Katori, Two-dimensional elliptic determinantal point processes and related systems, (talk June 19, 2019) [slides]
Japan Netherlands Workshop: Probabilistic Methods in Statistical Mechanics of Random Media [program], May 27-31, 2019, Lorentz Center, Mathematical Institute, Leiden University,
Makoto Katori, Quantum surface with marked boundary points and multiple SLE driven by Dyson model (talk May 28, 2019) [slides]
Workshop on Random Matrices, Stochastic Geometry and Related topics [program], 14 March 2019- 16 March 2019, National University of Singapore (NUS), 14, 15th at Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 16th at Department of Mathematics(Floor 05 Room #12),
Makoto Katori, Partial Isometries, Duality, and Determinantal Point Processes (talk 14 March 2019)
研究集会「第26回沼津改め静岡研究会—幾何,数理物理,そして量子論—」2019年3月6日—8日,静岡大学理学部 [プログラム]
Workshop on "Random Matrices and Related Topics," February 18-19, 2019, Faculty of Science, Tohoku University [program]
Sergio Andraus, Application of the Benjamini-Schramm convergence to the calculation of the eigenvalue density of beta ensembles (February 18)
研究集会「無限粒子系、確率場の諸問題XIV」1月26日、27日、奈良女子大理学部数学教室 [プログラム]
馬場裕哉「Elliptic combinatorics and excursion processes」(1月27日講演)
遠藤大樹「Generalized Marcenko-Pastur density with three parameters」(1月27日講演)
香取眞理「Determinantal point processes in high-dimensional spaces」(1月27日講演)
Spectra of Random Operators and Related Topics [program], January 9-11, 2019, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University
Makoto Katori, Determinantal point processes on planes, tori, and spheres
Sergio Andraus, Dunkl jump processes on averaged paths: relaxation and a phase transition